Hello DorkTrek fans!

Incoming Subspace Blogs

The crew of the USS Boner would like to extend an invitation for you guys to be a part of the show and be a guest blogger! Simply submit your article, wether it’s something you wanna talk about related to DorkTrek or anything Trekkie outside of the podcast! If we like your article we will post it on our site! Email your blogs to and on the subject line put in: Guest Space Blogger!

LCDR Black-and-Asian Log # 2.001

Starfleet Soccer Team Emblem

Well I’ve returned from temporary duty with the Starfleet Soccer Team and I was disappointed to see that I missed the mighty Boner’s visit to the world of Baltimore ComicCon. Many a year have I wanted to pull into port at a Class CC planet, but it looks like I may have to wait until the next solar cycle.

Nevertheless, after reviewing unofficial reports it appears that my crew mates enjoyed a very successful mission in spreading the Dork Trek philosophy…hopefully this will yield more subscribers to tune in to our bi-weekly subspace transmissions! Only time will tell…

LCDR B&A sends…