Attention 1MC: I will make this short for I am busy doing busy stuff! I was visiting my PIC (That’s Partner In Crime to you squares out there) LCDR William “The Prowler” Riker on the Enterprise Continue reading
Lt. Cmdr Zell: log 0001.02 – The Doctor is IN!
Being stationed on the USS Boner for several months now, I noticed that we had no on-board Ship’s Counselor, yet it seems that many of the 480 crew members could really use a good therapy session. There is a lot of drama on this vessel.
I brought up this concern with Capt. Notpatrick Stewart. “Excellent observation,” he said, “I completely agree with you. Since you seem to be the most qualified, I hereby assign you as part time Ship’s Counselor.” Continue reading
Guest Blogger: Lt. Nola-Z Bitching about Measuring a Man
I have felt that perhaps the crew of the Boner has been a bit harsh in their assessments of Councilor Troi over the first season and a half of the show. I mean she’s only half Beta Zoid and you kind of have to give her certain leniencies in how her powers are interpreted. Then I watched the episode “The Measure of a Man”. Continue reading
ATTENTION 1MC: Episode 27: Graves World is now out on iTunes
This is your captain speaking! Episode 27 of Dorktrek is now out on iTunes! Make sure you comment and rate and share the show! Also We are accepting guest bloggers, feel free to talk about anything regarding the show or anything you want to talk about however no minority hating! Ben cough cough ben…that is all. And feel free to post Episode Comments here!