Online Cheap There is a buzz running through the decks of the USS JH Boner. Dork Trek, the new podcast that watches and reviews each episode of TNG is now New and Noteworthy on ITunes. Don’t believe me? Look slightly to the left. are taking place for the podcast. If you are a fan of TNG then this is a podcast for you. If you don’t like TNG this is still a podcast you can enjoy. We are very silly and stupid. So, listen one and all. Good times. Lt Commander Frantz. Out At fantasci 9 July 23 at the Chesapeake Central Library. I saw one or the pod cast done live. From My twitter RPG notes i wrote @bobsboneyard @dorktrek @Face2FaceShow (IC)=^=”Where no one has Gone Before”prodcast not that funny I am a silent red shirt looking in “Quoting what Worf said “Can you allow a man who has made one mistake back into a position where he may make another?” Sir that is Proverbs 19 Desire without knowledge is not good, and whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way.” Bob and friends you have brought this podcast history to bring my heart in rage, This is why I stood in awe silence!=^=CRM Out Sad From Okepaka on Twitter Hi Kimberly….now which one are you….were you the one standing infront of us? I’m Lt.Commander Tug Johnson I was off that day so I wasn’t in uniform I was wearing my white vneck shirt…made by Space Calvin Klien….oh and I’m Asian.