LCDR Tug Johnson’s Log 0001.07: Clean Up Aisle Space!

Generic Ambien Buy Attention 1MC: I will make this short for I am busy doing busy stuff! I was visiting my PIC (That’s Partner In Crime to you squares out there) LCDR William “The Prowler” Riker on the Enterprise and boy did we have our fun on planet Roofie 8! He was “The Prowler” and I was  “Satisfaction”…man those were the days knocking down a couple of green skinned chicks..mmmmmmm…anyways! With that being said, the trip to meet him on the Enterprise was anything but fun! You would think in this day and age! In the 24th century we would’ve figured out how to disposed of dead body….BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Instead we just throw them out into space…and when everyone keeps doing it there’s dead people pollution! I MEAN COME ON PEOPLE…CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR OWN DEAD PEOPLE! FUCK! I MEAN LOOK AT THIS SHIT!

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I mean seriously! CLEAN IT UP! HELL FOR A SECOND I THOUGHT I RAN INTO ANOTHER GI….I MEAN I RAN INTO A GIRL! and I’ve never done that before…good thing this one is dead and not alive like the othe….I MEAN…look can’t you fucker like shove your dead crew members in the jeffries tube or in the warpcore or shoot them into the sun don’t just go leaving it anywhere…Okay I’m done venting… LCDR Tug Johnson

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