Communicator transmissions between Johnson & Zell (part 1)

Due to the claims of sexual harassment , Starfleet has requested a record of all transmissions between Lt Commanders Zell & Johnson.  They are posted here for public record.

Who is harassing who?

(we are discussing plans to meet outside of Space Starbucks to record)
Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 1:20 PM
Zell: do we have a backup plan if its still raining and stupid cold when it’s time to record?
Tug: We can shoot inside!:) or ihops sounds good I can get cheesy eggs….i was going to wear our uniform but it’s too cold so just my communicator
Zell: either works for me 🙂 wish I had done my laundry it would have been a great day for my Counselor Troi sweater
Tug: Oh man the one that shows your sweet cans?!
Zell: yeaaahhhh
  Sweet big soft juicy cans?! Haha
Zell: lol
  Why lord why can’t that sweater be clean so Zell can wear it and I can marvel at the monument she calls her chest!
Zell: why lt commander ! are you flirtin with me??
 I believe my response is an unequivocal yes! So if this sickbay is a rockin don’t come a knocking
Zell: hahaha! well I told ya im not getting into that deathtrap of a bed of yours
  I promised I will turn off the transporter…or you can invite me to medical and we can perform sexperiments!
Of the most devious nature
Zell: interesting… I’ll have the Viagra hypospray ready
  Mmmm indeed yes yes you can have it ready but there’s no need it will be ready for you as it has before mmmmm
Zell: Woah … yeah let me hit you with this hypospray first, I promise you wont pass out while I sneak out the side door
   Hahaha oh I trust you and I know for a scientific fact I can be very persuasive
Zell: Haha! do your best. or worst.
 It’s always the best…satisfaction guaranteed
Zell: is there a money back guarantee
hmm better get the penicillin hypospray too…
   Haha no no money back
Zell: NO DEAL!
  Ok fine as long as I get to bed you down and enjoy lifes pleasures with you mmmmm
Zell: hmmm. afraid that’s not gonna happen! keep dreamin! Haha
I best put on my jammies then
Zell: yah ya better!
Zell: ummm … guess it depends on what your “jimmies” look like… do they have footies at the bottom and a butt flap. cuz that would be hilarious
It does have a front and butt flap….you will enjoy my Jimmy mmm
Zell: jimmy?? like a slim jim?
 Jimmy Dean?
Zell: oh ok!  breakfast sausage! hahaha
4:14 PM
Tug:   Staff meeting!
Also I was going to wear my uniform but too cold foe that. So I’ll be sporting my communicator pin
Zell: im dressed as a biker lesbian …its a holodeck episode where I will try to pick up space chicks
Tug: Oooo that’s a good episode
Zell: I haven’t seen it yet, does it have a happy ending
Tug: Yes yes it is
Zell: excellent, I love a happy ending
Tug: Im at expert at giving female happy ending….mmmm
Zell: well im sure all your willing female partners enjoy that. and maybe some of the unwilling ones, once they wake up from your sleep assault
Tug: I know you will be reluctant but you’ll give in…..they all give in haha
Zell: we shall see….I wouldn’t place any bets on it if I were you
Tug: I’m not a betting man 🙂
Zell: good thing!!
Tug: Yeah I know! Because I alwAys get what I want and what you deserve!
Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 12:41 AM
Tug: Goodluck with that….abortion
Zell: how did you know that’s what I was doing…
Tug: Unless youre drunk
On sake there’s some abortionin to be done AR 12:42am
Zell: Nope only one beer tonight im doing good … can’t use the rusty coat hook from the home abortion kit if I’m drunk
Tug: That’s true gotta have steady hands! What you doing up
Zell: hmm next time i’ll save the money and just use knitting needles
just about to go to bed actually
Tug: Yea knitting needles or clamps!
I have to finish Torres podcast…will you save me a spot between you and Chad on the bed!
Zell: Haha sure
Tug: You know what happens when people get in the bedroom? Yes?
Zell: ummm
Tug: YES! you read my mind
Zell: part betazoid
Tug: Ah can you sense this?!:)
I’m pointing at my crotch
Zell: I sense great emotion
and herpes
ok I need my beauty sleep…stalkers don’t stalk ugly nerd girls
Tug: I’m sorry I think your autocorrect made a mistake it’s spelled happies

Continued ….

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