Author Archives: Lt. Commander Frantz

Dork Trek Episode 114: Outcast This is the perfect episode for Dork Trek. I have so many questions about these shim race of people as you can tell if you’ve listened to more than 45 seconds of the newest pod.

Purchase Ambien What do their sexy time naughty parts look like? Dennis is/was serious about taking your submissions. Feel free to have a good time.

Also, what is up with the Jordi beard? Why was this the first/last appearance of his facial hair? I happen to like it very much. the beard made Jordi look dangerous and sexy. I bet Riker and the producers told Jordi to shave. “Look, I’m the rugged bearded dude. There can be only one!!”

Cheap Ambien With Prescription Enjoy the pod.  Feel free to rate us on iTunes and share the pod with your friends. We great…bob… Join the Forum discussion on this post

A BIG “THANK YOU” to Some Awesome People I would like to take a quick second to say a very heartfelt thank you to some very cool people. These wonderful folks have recently donated money to the pod, and it is greatly appreciated. The crew of the Boner works very hard (believe it or not) and takes a great deal of pride in the work that we do. It is nice when people dig it, especially with cash, baby!!!

So, thank you to Robert Greenlee, Chris Shaw, Kyle Herman, Daniel Stroschine and Judith Frade.  You have no idea how much this show of support means to the crew. So, again, thank you so much. Now start downloading!!!…bob…

Episode 112: Powerplay

Look into the Light Hey, I remember this one. Data, Troi and Miles get possessed by some evil spirits that are ex-cons and want to do something or other. This one gets a little hazy at moments for me. Miles is really mean to his wife when possessed. However, I think he was just looking for an excuse to be a jerk to Keiko. Many Trek fans find her annoying and overbaring, I just think she is acting like every wife ever. It’s nice to see that in the 24th century wives are still a pain in the butt. Make sure to download the newest episode of the pod and remember to tell the internet how much you love us on iTunes and your favorite social media sites.

Episode 111. Conundrum or as I like to call it “who’s this dude? and why is he telling us what to do?” Another nice title might have been “MacDuff, we hardly knew you.”

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Purchase Ambien Overnight Delivery The entire crew forgets who they are (the audience doesn’t and we all wonder who this new dude is) and some dude, the crewman MacDuff, starts telling the Captain to kill some race of people we have never heard of.  It sounds far fetched but it works for me.

I especially like the scene after the command crew forgets who they are and Worf assumes command because he is the only one decorated in a metal Ms. America sash. Well played Worf.

Look what waiting for Riker!!! This episode also marks the banging of Ro by that sex machine Riker. Actually, Riker gets a laid by two ladies in this one, so it appears Riker knew who he was all along. However, things do not end well for Riker but at least he didn’t have to blow up a space station. Make sure to download the newest pod and rate the show on itunes. Have a good week adn we will see you Saturday.

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Lt. Commander Frantz Log #0010.00

Operation Chicago Con- I was sent on a diplomacy mission to the planet Chicago. The purpose of this mission was to recruit new members of the USS Boner.  The planet was ripe for the picking.

It was a nice three day mission. I made a lot of new friends and was met w/little resistance. I am a natural for these missions due to my magnetic personality.

Buying Zolpidem Tartrate My mission wasn’t all work. i did manage to sneak in a little play. I took my photos w/some locals and got a few autographs. It was a wonderful time had by all. Frantz Out.

some locals and LT. Commander Frantz